Kayvon Zand’s One Way Flight Takes Off

Famous for over the edge performances at New York City’s The Box, singer Kayvon Zand’s dark pop-rock electronica music takes you on a dreamy space continuum journey in the release of his new single and video, One Way Flight.

While celeb photographer and director Mike Ruiz’s mini-music film produced by industry legend Chew Fu spotlights Kayvon and his ‘family’ the Zand Collective’s alluring glam-fetish fashion, Kayvon serenades us with model good looks, (he used to be one) and an Elvis smooth voice.

Instead of a contrast, the Kayvon sound and look belongs on a Paris runway and top radio stations if radio was the place to be. Since it’s not you can view One Way Flight on youtube, oogle him, his beautiful partner Anna Evans and the Zand Collective on his website, download his single on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/one-way-flight-chew-fu-original/id663966229)or see for yourself at The Box. – Marcia Smith, writer, blogger.
